At West Van Karate Academy we treat everyone in our dojo like family, and believe this is the way all martial arts schools should operate. Each of our members is treated with kindness and respect, and as a result each member treats others the same way (it’s contagious!). We believe in leading by example. Not just the ‘do as I say’ ideal, but actually the ‘doing what I am doing’ way of being. This is why all of our instructors are not only elite level competitive athletes who have been training for many years, but also positive role models for students young and old.
West Van Karate Academy has something to offer EVERYONE! Often times, people hear of karate and think that it’s just for young children or teenagers looking for a fun sport to try out, but really it’s much more than that! West Van Karate Academy strives to meet the goals of each member. Whether you are a 5 year old kid whose been put in karate to develop basic motor skills and respectful disposition, a 14 year old who is looking to learn strong and effective real-life self-defence or an exciting combat sport, or even a parent who is looking to get fit and lower their stress levels in a welcoming and motivating environment, West Van Karate Academy will enhance your quality of life.
Our main priority is creating kind, caring, strong, disciplined, motivated, and focused people. Really, that is what it’s all about. It’s not how hard you can punch or how high you can kick, but the kind of person you become through hard work and training. Seeing a student make positive changes and grow as a person is truly the most rewarding thing for an instructor to see.
West Van Karate Academy’s instructors are all home grown and are put through a rigorous training process before being permitted to teach a class. All instructors have at least 3 years of hands-on volunteering experience, practical teaching simulations, and and 5 years of in-depth analysis of both basic and advanced techniques.
Our structured Belt testing process teaches students to set goals for themselves and to work hard in order to reach those goals. Our ranking system motivates students to do their best, and also helps to teach leadership. Success in reaching goals develops confidence, and having confidence in oneself is the pre-requisite to having self-esteem.