Earning a black belt is something we hold in high regard. Our black belts are not given – they are earned through years of commitment, dedication, perseverance, and personal transformation. More than just a belt, a black belt represents the culmination of a students karate journey and is an honour to receive. To earn a black belt at our academy, students must show not only high quality karate technique and fitness level, but more importantly, high moral character and contribute positively to their community.

Sensei Parvin and Sensei Natasha after receiving their black belts.
Please see below for our lists of black belts. All students on the list below have shown high levels of self-discipline, focus, self-confidence, and of course, “kindness, courage, and excellence” in their daily lives. We are extremely proud of our black belts.

Sensei Connor shortly after receiving his black belt.

Sensei Aiden and Sensei Johnson
Parvin Mayan December 2019
Brendan Wise December 2021
Connor Szeto June 2023
Parvin Mayan August 2017
Isabel Gallant August 2017
Natasha Harland August 2017
Kole Macmillan April 2018
Connor Szeto December 2019
Keira Szeto December 2021
Rowan Bapty August 2022
Helena Andres January 2023
Alexander Knickle January 2023
Julian Hasan June 2023
Aiden Winsor December 2023
Johnson Jiang December 2023 
Parvin Mayan
Brendan Wise
Kole Macmillan
Alexander Knickle
Emily Chan
Timothy Hu
Annika Nikolaisen
Nikita Knickle